“The Blood Cries Out”
Sunday, May 29th, 2022
Pastor Kyle Horner
This Sunday, we’ve committed to engaging together in prolonged, fervent prayer. For peace throughout our endangered nation. For unity throughout our ruptured world. For wisdom granted to politicians and citizens alike. For repentance in the hearts of those who have stayed silent, inactive, and apathetic in the face of violence, prejudice, and death - even if we find our own hearts amongst them. Pray with us, church. Pray for the people. But do not simply do so out of pity for their loss, but out of active, heart-aching compassion for people - God’s people - who have suffered. For a God who suffers as He watches His children broken, beaten, butchered and left without hope for a better tomorrow. This is the time, church. This is when we rise. But our rising this weekend will look a whole lot like kneeling.