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This Week’s Message
“I Was Telling The Truth”
Join us as we gather together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
“Jesus Is Our Passover”
Ever wonder what it means when the Bible says that Jesus is our Passover lamb? How can we see Him in the midst of God’s beautiful deliverance for His people out of Egypt? He is still delivering His people today by the same means…the blood of the Lamb!
“Set Your Face”
Where has God set your gaze? This world can tear our eyes in any and every direction, but Jesus had His sights set on Jerusalem - despite the death that awaited Him there. We must determine where God would have us look and keep our eyes, minds, and spirits set there. No matter what.
“Leaven Free”
We all have a recipe to follow: certain things God has requested we include on our lives. And yet, it’s so tempting to throw in a pinch of this and that outside the bounds of His will. People that pry us from Him, perspectives that push His will away, prayers of passive-aggression instead of compassion. If even a single incorrect ingredient can spoil the loaf, we have to make a life untainted by external ingredients.
“I Just Don’t Know”
Life throws constant questions and conflicts at us, and sorting through them on our own can overwhelm us. That’s why we don’t need to rely on our own wisdom: we have a Spirit to speak to, teach, and lead us! But knowing Him - and what He wants - requires a strategy all its own.
“What Now?”
We’ve all heard stories of Simon Peter, but we often forget his origins. A miraculous move of God causes fish to overflow from his nets…and yet Peter surrendered them all to follow Jesus. Perhaps there’s more to life than the miracle we’re awaiting?
“I Didn’t See That Coming”
We need the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit more now than ever before. But how do we accept Him into our lives and allow him to affect every aspect of our worlds?
“Don’t Get Robbed”
We’ve witnessed plenty of unspeakable events occurring this week, this month, this year. It would be easy to keep our focus on the here and now - but there is a future to prepare for. There is a King whose coming we ought to await.
“Far From Home”
You may have felt like God has called you out of your comfort zone, far from life you’ve known. Perhaps it’s simply that life has left you feeling displaced. No matter where we find ourselves, our King is calling us to conquer the obstacles of this unknown territory and reclaim it for His glory.
“If Not Now, When?”
Pastor Rick poses the question to us this morning of Do I value the comfort of my current relationship with someone who doesn’t know Jesus Christ more than I care about where they will spend eternity, and encourages and equips us with how to share the true Love of God.
“Same Source, Different Stance”
Have you felt the fire of your passion for God dwindle? God has called His disciples to fan the flames of the gifts He gave them for the sake a world that needs them and the chance to grow more deeply aware of who He is. Don’t let the fire die - join Pastor Kyle as he teaches us how to stoke the flame.
“We Didn’t Start The Fire”
Have you felt the fire of your passion for God dwindle? God has called His disciples to fan the flames of the gifts He gave them for the sake a world that needs them and the chance to grow more deeply aware of who He is. Don’t let the fire die - join Pastor Kyle as he teaches us how to stoke the flame.
“Weather Or Not”
It’s easy to feel as though life has hit the Pause button on progress. We can walk around cautious, skeptical, with our heads waiting for any signs of a change in the forecast instead of making the most of whatever we must weather.
I Can’t Give Up One More Thing
While last week helped us understand holiness, this week we’re learning what it’s like to live as sacrifices. We may not need to bring animals to altars anymore, but there are still offerings we can lay before God: namely, ourselves.
Holy, Holy, Holy
"Holy": this word has long evoked feelings of fear and guilt inside of people. But today, we're going to discover the freedom that it can bring and the presence of the King it leads us into.
What Do You Do For A Living
The Question many often ask, the question many hesitate to answer. What does it even mean for the Lord to "Establish the work of our hands for us" in this new year? Let's dive in TOGETHER!
Let Us Adore Him
Come celebrate our final reflection of Advent, as we come together to ADORE Christ The Lord.
Joy To The World
How do we walk in joy while finding ourselves often navigating a sense of dissatisfaction? Joy can and does still exist in the tension between the two. Joy is part of Jesus' legacy that he brought into that Christmas manger and thus, into our lives.
Peace On Earth
When we come to Jesus there is no doubt that He is with us, but are we with Him? So often we choose to create a life of calm rather than to learn to walk in His peace. Yet, He is Peace and as we walk with Him we will find ourselves living in the wholeness of that peace.
O Come All Ye Faithful
Sometimes the things of this world make it difficult to take God at His word, but faith does just that. Let’s see how we can trust a real God in a real world in a real way for our lives.